Tinkerbell loved it so much she asked to get hers cut too. This was the morning of the chop all combed out.
Thanks for the few sticking with me while I figure out how to and what to blog. Confidentiality is an even greater need right now with my job. I'm honestly thinking about just admitting that I'm not a blogger anymore but I'm not quite ready to do that. Have had a blog for almost 10 years. So thanks for following our story and thanks for sticking around while I'm quiet. :-)
so cute!
you might try private blogging. NOT QUITE the same, but… ;)
(do we get to hear details of the unfortunate incident? my mind is racing!)
Your kids have grown so quickly! Glad to see you are all doing so well!
I'm always happy to see a new post. The girls look beautiful as always!
I have read your blog for a long time! I love to see how happy everyone is! My son is almost the exact age as your oldest (I think there are a few days between them) and also transracially adopted at birth. Wishing you the best!
Miss you guys.
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